Monday, October 12, 2009

CLD October 12, 2009

Define the words optimist and pessimist.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Personal Finance October 12 2009

Lets play the bean game. Copy and paste the following link to see how well you do at keeping track of your beans.

Copy and paste your final result here at the Blog if it's working, or e-mail your results to me at

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

CLD Homework October 7 2009

From our viewing to date of the movie the Pursuit of Happyness, answer the questions:

1. What is the name of the lead character in the movie?
2. In which U.S. city is the movie taking place?
3. What is the current job that he is holding?
4. What is the job that he is seeking?
5. The name of his 5 year old son is?
6. What is the name of his girlfriend?
7. Does the lead character resort to using 'masks' in an effort to better his life? If so, cite an example of one.

Personal Finance October 8 2009

Copy and paste the following link:,12,reading a bank statement

Answer the following questions.

1. This bank statement covers what time period?
2. What was the opening balance?
3. What is the closing balance?
4. How much is the monthly service charge?
5. How much money was withdrawn on Christmas Eve?
6. Was a person or a machine used to deposit $1200.00?
7. How much was directly deposited on January 18?
8. In what town is Hamilton Ave. located?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Personal Finance October 7 2009

Utilize (copy and paste) the link below:,7,making a deposit

Number your responses on the blog 1-9, plug in numbers of your choosing, making certain that the math is correct and post your answer.

Monday, October 5, 2009

CLD Homework October 5, 2009

Utilizing define the following words/terms:

1. adversity
2. attitude
3. deception
4. emotions
5. enlightening
6. logical
7. positiveness
8. self image
9. stress

Personal Finance October 6, 2009

By copying and pasting the link below:

answer these questions:

1. True or False? Always write a check in non-erasable ink.
2. What does the ABA Number on a check indicate?
3. What is a check register?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Personal Finance October 5, 2009

Using the link:

The Banking System and Financial Institutions explain the difference between a credit union and other banking institutions.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

CLD Homework October 1, 2009

Define the words 'attitude' and 'emotion'

Personal Finance October 2, 2009

Using the Banking Services PowerPoint on my webpage, find and define what a checking account's signature card is. Why is it important?