Tuesday, September 15, 2009

CLD Homework September 15, 2009

Using 50 of your own words or more, explain the impact of conflict between real-life experiences and a person's self image. Utilize page three of your workbook for assistance.


  1. A person's self image can make a great impact of their life experiences. If a person's self image is bad then,if they have a rough day at work they may come home to emotionally beat themselves up. A good example of this is when someone does something wrong. Instead of going home and putting yourself down, you should learn from it. Many people think just because they did a bad thing it makes them a bad person. This is untrue. No one in the world is a bad person or a good person. If you murder someone it is the action you did that was bad, not the person who did it.

    Melissa McAvay

  2. Ethan Miller said...

    The impact of real life experiences on your self-esteem can be devestating to a person with little self-confidence. A person that overreacts to experiences can take a serious hit to their self esteem. Without proper emotional control, you could sink into a chronic low self-esteem state.

  3. Conflict between a person's self image and real-life experiences can be brutal or helpful. Any good or bad event can change your self image,depending on how you look at it, if it doesn't match its level. For example; a boy named Jim wakes up one day with a neutral opinion of himself,goes to school late, and gets an F on his recent test. Now Jimmy doesn't really care about being late so his self-image stayed neutral. However, Jimmy becomes upset about the failed test and his self-esteem lowered. Basically, events can affect your self-image if you allow them to. So it is important to take in the positives and ignore the negatives in order to achieve a great self image.

    Ed Weldon

  4. Chris Moise

    A person's self image is a big part of how you look and do many things. Many times when something happens at school or at work you put yourself down and look at yourself differently and it effects your self image and the way you do things . But if your a positive person you would learn from your mistakes and learn for the next time you do something.

  5. A person's self image is a very big part of what you do and how you look. also when something happens at school or work or home or etc... you might put yourself down and look different. if you are not a lier and you are a nice and positive person you can learn lots of things and not make mistakes. Stephen Fascia

  6. a person's self image is composed of their personalitys and things they expierence, good or bad. if you expierence a death in the family or someone close to you, your self image will decrease. a person's self image means a lot. you should always think good of yourself, and not having a good self image of yourself makes you less confident in yourself. so when you expierence something bad take it as a lesson learned, and as reality. this will keep your self image at a good place.

  7. Anthony Mellone,

    One's self image and personal experiences go hand in hand. Peoples life experiences can shape how they view themselves as a person, while on the other hand ones self image can also shape the out come of ones life experiences. So in theory if one has a good self image then most likely one will have good life experiences and vice versa.

  8. The conflict between real-life experiences and a person's self image is character, Character is important in life; it represents who you are and what you stand for. Good character is a high quality to have. It’s something top companies look for in there employees. Character flaws cannot be hidden because when conflict arrives true character is revealed.

    Russ Clayton

  9. Christine Wersinger

    Real life experiences is related to real life image is that everything happens and however you handle things is a real life image because the way you handle things reflects on people and it shows what kind of person you are. This all happens in real life experiences. This shows your character to others and how your personality is.

  10. The impact of conflict between real-life experiences and a person's self image can result in a positive or negative outlook on yourself. For an example if you fail a test in school and you go home and beat yourself up about it your self esteem will become low. but instead of beating yourself up about it you can go home and study from your mistakes this will help your self esteem and you will not feel sorry for yourself. Your self image will always change depending on the situation your in. The situation can be good or bad but the key is to never put yourself down and always look for the positive side of things.

    Corinne Maher

  11. Jake Vescovi

    The impact of conflict between real-life experiences and a person's self image is shown through facial expresions and body language. for example when a married couple, with children, are getting divorced, the child will be experienceing real life struggles at home. you can't hear it in words but though body language. The child may, from that experience, have a fear of growing attached to someone they care for and they could be thinking their relationship can easily turn out like their parents'.

  12. A person's life experiences and self-image greatly impact one another. If someone experiences a traumatic event in their life it can have a large impression on how they feel about themselves and cause an issue of low self-esteem. However, if someone experiences a moment of happiness or excitement it can boost their self-esteem and confidence. The key is to always accept the good and bad moments, and to learn from your mistakes.

  13. Things people experiance in their lives are usually the molding for one's self image and personality. While some have suffered greatly over the course of their lives, others have flown through with no problems. The ones who have dealt with alot, however, are usually the stronger ones. It's the way that you handle your real life experiances that reflects your self image.

    Trina Boyle

  14. Real-life experiences and a person's self image are conected for many reasons. When something happens in your life,good or bad it will affect the way you see yourself. If you acomplish something you have been working torwards you will feel confident and good about yorself. If you make a big mistake and it greatly affects your life you will be upset with yourself.
    Everday you are going to experience new things but you have to learn how to deal with them and keep a positive self-image.

    Kimberly Stocco

  15. The conflict between real-life experiences and a person's self image can really effect there everyday thinking. Some one can think one of them selves, feel confident about there image, and really be completly different then what they think. And when they finally get the real image, its usually scary and not good. As Mr. Holmes said about the zen thing, people should always know how they look as other people see them.

    ---Christina Speight

  16. The conflict between real-life experiences and a person's self image go head to head. Real-life and what goes on day to day has alot to do with your self image and how you carry yourself. What goes on through out your life help you become the person you are and it shows on how you look at yourself in the mirror.

    Chandler Vogel
