The school courses i like the best are either specials you get to pick yourself. The reason for that is because you get to pick your own personal class that you think fits youur best and your good at. Also i enjoy math classes sometimes too. The reason i like is math is because your always using your brain and solving problems.
So far this year, i enjoy all of my courses. My favorite so far would have to be general psychology with Mrs.Whelan. I have found the way she teaches the class interesting and also enjoyable. My least favorite class so far this year would have to be Microsoft office. This class plainly bores me and does not interests me as much as general Psych does.
The courses I like the best are english courses because i enjoy reading and learning about literature. The courses I enjoy the least are algebra classes because it is not an easy to understand for me.
Kevin Krotulis The school courses that I like best are simply Math and Science. They are the courses that I believe are most important in life therefore I'm intrigued by them and want to excell more in them. Also, they have the most in-depth learning possibilities.
I would love--emphasis on "love"--to say that my favorite course is Law for Business and Personal Use. Unfortunately, I can't say that because (despite having signed up for it) I did not get that course which is vital to my career goals.
And so I must settle for Creative Writing. Although I have proven myself to be rather brain dead time and time again in first period classes, I have learned a variety of stuff so far (except for a word other than "stuff"). It's a good class because writing stories comes naturally to me. (I look forward to a year with Guthner, who must survive another Thompson.)
I detest Probablity, Statistics, and Discrete Math. I like the teacher, just not the course. Why? Because it's math. Math is boringly easy, especially statistics.
Tha school courses I like best are the ones that prepare you for college and your life, such a personal finance. I also like courses that involve your peronal interests like art or chorus. The school course I like least is langages because it doesn't seem we learn anything from it. Languages are supposed to be learned my speaking it, but all we do is write.
The school courses I like the best are the courses that prepare you for college and teach you about life. I believe those classes are the ones we can use the most in life. The classes that I like the least are classes that we have to use as filler classes that we do not need or are not interested in. I also do not like gym I do not believe it has to do anything with teaching us about life or preparing us for our futures.
Richie Pascoe electives are my personal favorite beacuse they are your choice. They aren't the set courses needed to graduate, just fun ones that you can do what youd like. They are your choice. My least favorite is math because i find it all too easy
i guess id have to say the class es we get to pick are the best. i like the fact that we get a choice at the thing that interest us most, us like the middle or elementary school. my personel favorite class is culnery arts because i have always ben interested in it
The school courses i like the best are the electives specifically performing arts and so far personal finance has been good.I like the performin arts such as band and chorus i like to play the saxophone and i like to sing. I also like history i think it's fun learning about the past which will also help us with the future. The course i like the least is math, math and me never really got along there was too many formulas to know and remember then you had to know when to use one on which equation.
I dont really like any classes besides this class, personal finance. The reason is because i know the other classes im taking will not help me in acheiving my goal of becomming a fire fighter. The only reason i would like any other classes is because of the friends i have in them. Normally i would like subjects such as history and science however most teachers in the school are more caught up on things like grades and GPA rather than the students learning the actual subject in a fun and interesting way. To me my other classes are just work periods which will be irelevant to my future. I like personal finance because i know as an adult i will be able to say this class was actually worth something and im still using the information i learned way back in highschool. Unlike math, science, english, and history.
The classes i like the most are my math and science classes. Even though these classes are usually looked at as hard classes, they seem to come very easy to me. I also need these classes to improve my knowledge for when i go into pre-medical studies in college. I also enjoy all of my elective classes because i basically get to choose what i want to learn about. The electives that i like are classes like italian, graphic design, personal finance, and cooking. The classes i like the least are history and english. I have never really enjoed either of the classes and i honestly dont know why.
The courses I like the most is child care. We had a change to teacher little kids and it made me think I may want to do that in the future. I also love math because i had such great teacher that made it easy. The courses i hate the most is all three years of science because I don't enjoy the subjuct. I had to spend the most time studing for those class.
The school courses i like the best are ones i choose to take. I pick them because i either know i'm good at the class or want it because it seems fun and useful. Also, it depends on the teacher if i really like a class. The school courses i don't like are ones that waste my time and are unnecessary. For exaple, taking gym all four years instead of an acedemic class. Also, i don't like a class because of the teacher or the way they teach the class.
The school courses I like the best are Child Care and Photography. I love the teachers in those classes and the class itself. I'm thinking about becoming a teacher so child care can get me ready if that is what I wanna do. I love the photography class its one of my hobbies and your always learning something new. I don't really have any classes I don't like. Alexis McGowan
This year the classes that i like are History and Algebra. The reason why i like algebra is beacause i love solving things i also like History because its fun learning about the past and seeing what others did to get us where we are today. i would have to say my least favorit classes are English and Science. I also like picking my own classes because then i can have fun while i learn.
I like any of the art classes because I like to draw even know im not any good at it and I also like taking pictures and if I im not in a good mood it puts me in a better one. I also like Child Care because I love little kids and it is a fun class to take. I don’t like English because I hate to write and read.
School courses I find that are gym because i'm a fit person, and you can't fail unless your lazy or the teacher doesn't like you and looks for reasons to fail you. Other courses I like are the science courses because i'm a fan and without science where would we be. Courses I least like is english for i've never been big on writing alot when i can just speak my mind.
My favorite courses would have to be Math n Gym. The reason why I like math is because im kind of good at it and I actually learn stuff from it. Gym is fun the times we do activities but not when we do wellness. There are a lot of courses i dont like. One is History because it is very boring n im terrible at it. Another is Science probably because i just dont like it at all. English i dont like because you have to write a lot and read a lot and I dont like that. Pretty much every course I dislike because i hate school.
The courses that I like the most are the science and art classes, especially Biology and Foundations of Art. These are my favorite because they're interesting and they both incorporate what I like to do and what I'm pretty good at. English is also one of the better courses because it's mostly reading and writing, two of my favorite things. Math, mostly Geometry, is my least favorite, mostly because I'm not that great at it and it's one of the hardest classes to sit through.
The school courses i like the most are gym and culinary arts because i like to cook and be active. also i love the specials in this school its nice to be able to pick what you would like to take. for instance i switched into personal finace because i like computers. courses i dont like are math and english and that is beacause of the teachers if the teacher is not right for me then the course never seems to be any fun so they are the main part of what makes a course fun
The school courses that I like the best are the electives that I want to take. I took foundations of art my junior year and it was fun. English is my favorite subject because I like to write. I also enjoy working with computers, that is why I took web designing. I always wanted to take a class on cooking, but I never did. The school courses that I like the least are definitely math and history. Math is my worst subject because I always find it to be difficult. History just doesn't interest me at all, except for learning about the holocaust.
The courses i like the best are art and lunch. While lunce may not be an actual course and it is now limited to approximately a half hour i get to chill with my friends despite the fact that it seems like once i walk in its almost over. I enjoy art because its an elective and i can do what i enjoy drawing rather than the old classes in our curriculum. All in all school is decent.
The school courses that ive taken from my freshmen year to now ive been very pleased with. My best subject is science because i always have a good grade in that class. Its also my favorite subject. Idislike math since its too many numbers and its too much for me. I had 2 art classes my freshmen and sophomore year. This year im going to vocational school for medical assisting and so far its very interesting and i love it.
the courses i like best are english and nutrition/wellness. i like these courses because english is very fun, nutrition/wellness has a lot of my friends in it. these two are my favorite. i don't have any classes that i don't like because they are all easy and fun this year!
samantha crennan i like all the science classes, mostly because thats my best subject. i dont like algebra or any math classes because im terrible with numbers. i also like art classes like ceramics and photography.
Jacob Robertson My most favorite course this year is culinary arts. It is extremley fun because you get to cook food and learn about different diets. My least facorite class is gemoatry because I dont like to do math and it bores me.
The courses I like this year are the electives because you get to pick what course you would like to take. The courses i do not like are math and english because I am not that very good at them, but i hope to get better at them by the end of this year.
Like: I like the History courses because of the knowledge it brings about our past and its mistakes, so that we can make sure they do not happen again. I like Math because it allows me to understand complex situations in an ordered matter, much like how Mathematics works. I like English because it is the language I speak, and it is necessary to use it in order to get my points across. I like Science because it unravels many mysteries of the world. I like Business courses because they allow me to prepare for adult, business life. Dislike: I dislike Art classes because I was never a good artist, and I feel theyre a waste of time. I dislike Music classes because I do not play an instrument and theyre useless me.
This year I managed to get every class I wanted except wood and metal shop. I can't say I have a favorite, since I picked most of my classes. Though when it comes to the one I like the least that's probably going to be Algebra II, and the only reason I feel that way is because I dislike algebra, not necessarily math. So It probably won't even be that bad. I've got a pretty easy year ahead of me.
Josh Sherman My favortie class so far would have to be US history with Mrs. Whelan. This class is fun and, even though its an honors course, its easy. My least favorite class is definitely geometry. this class is boring and the teacher is just as bad.
Erin Jadus The course I like best are Spanish because it is a lot easier than the teacher I had last year for Spanish.My least favorite sunject would have to be Gym because that class bores me and the rules are a lot stricter than last year.
Mike McGreevey My favorite class this year is art I like it the most because it keeps me occupied because i like to draw. My least favorite class is language arts because I do not enjoy writing.
Josh Choper This year I have enjoyed my Math and History Class because Bolton and Whelan are real cool. I also like Financial Planning because it gives me a chance to chill and look stuff up on computers. I don't like English because it is a boring class.
The courses that I like the most this year would have to be Science and Math, the reason being is that we are learned more then the original basics of these courses. The course that I like the least this year would have to be English, and this reason would be that I don’t find what we read interesting nor helpful.
The course that I personally enjoy so far is French III. I only say this because all the rest of my favorite classes don't come until the second half of the school year. I do not enjoy Algebra, because I feel you do need math in life, but not that kind of pointless numbering.
I heavn't had a chance to like any courses yet because it's been only three days. So far, all of my courses seem to be neutral, however the one that is a little outstanding is math. I choose math because I'm good at it and I the time goes quickly. From personal experience, the faster the class goes the better it is. Boring classes seem to be long. I am looking forward to chemisty and history next semester.
Corinne Aballo The school course that I like the best is English. Part of the reason this is my favorite class is that it is my best subject.Science is also another one of my favorites because it is interesting to see how things are formed and how things work. Math is my least favorite subject and I don't really have a reason for it I'm just not a fan.
The courses i like the best are anything dealing with science. after high school i am going to college for science, so it would make scene that i like those courses in high school. the courses i do not like are the ones that you really have no choice but to take or the ones that never seem to end.
The cources i like the least is english because its really long and there is alot of people in there. A class that i like the best is lunch but thats not a class so i would have to say science because its easy. Also i like this class because it will help learn about finances.
Right now the block is nice. It's going by quicker than I expected and the classes are in a good atmosphere. My first class is Anatomy and Physiology. It seems pretty good and is infomrative on the human body and how it works. The students and teacher, Mr O'Donnell, are relaxed. My second class is Biology 2 honors. It's a small class with tons more girls then guys and the teacher seems strict at first. I like the challenge and I think the class will settle in. I like this personal fincance class with a layed back style and discussing different aspects of what we want to do. My last class is the most difficult that is AP Calculus. It is for the high of the high in the class and is the most challenging I've ever taken. It'll be tough but I think I can do it.
The courses that I enjoy taking the most are English and Science based courses. This is mainly because I desire to become a journalist after college and find science to be interesting. I find that these two classes are the ones which your teacher can go off topic and the conversation still remains relevant to what is being taught. These classes allow students to not only learn the material, but also life lessons. In addition, science has always been a course that challenges yet intrigues me. The courses I have taken: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics have allowed me to become a more intellectual person.
The course I enjoy least has always been and always will be Math. I have never been the type that can grasp a concept in one day and move on. I feel as if all Math courses demand this of you in some way. The only reason I survived Math is because I was blessed with amazing teachers all four years of my high school career.
The courses that I enjoy taking the most are History and English. I enjoy theses subjects because in history I like to learn about things that I don’t already know. For instance, history is full of ancient artifacts, information about all the major wars, and most of all our former presidents. English is my favorite subject, I love to write! I like to write stories, write about something I read, and most of all I enjoy writing papers about people I got information on, such as an interview or a book report. Reading is interesting too, because you learn about origins about different time periods, and also information about how war and other major events occurred.
The courses that I enjoy the least are Algebra and Chemistry. The reason that I don’t like Algebra is because you have to memorize a lot of vocabulary and all different types of formulas. Also you need to do a lot of the math in your head if you can’t use a calculator. With chemistry you need to research a lot of information doing with the body, wildlife, and the earth. I think it is boring and just too much to read.
The courses that I like the best would have to be chours. This is a course that I really enjoy and its a class that is fun because singing come natural to me. I also like English I love to write becuase that way i can show my creative side. The class that I dislike would be history. It does not intrest me at all. I feel like i don't get anything out of it.
The classes I like this year are history, holocaust studies, gym, english, and personal finance.
History because I want to be a history teacher.
Personal finance because Mr. Holmes is a brutally honest person and my brother had him when he went to this school.
Holocaust Studies because it's a cool course we start every day with music, and Mr. Bloom is cool too.
Gym because we are active and the only part of the day most of us are active.
And English because Mrs. Schervo and Mrs. M are cool and Mrs. Schervo also likes Eddie Izzard and Monty Python.
"And Hitler ended up in a ditch covered in petrol on fire, so that's fun...and it was honeymoon as well. Double trouble! Yay!" Eddie Izzard "Dress to Kill"
The courses I like the best is gym because I like to do activities and have fun. The course I like the least is ceramics because I dont really like drawing or painting.
The class I enjoy are gym classes because i like to try different activities.I also like math classes because I want to be a math teacher.I don't like history because it's not interesting to me.
The school courses i like the best are either specials you get to pick yourself. The reason for that is because you get to pick your own personal class that you think fits youur best and your good at. Also i enjoy math classes sometimes too. The reason i like is math is because your always using your brain and solving problems.
ReplyDeleteChandler Vogel
So far this year, i enjoy all of my courses. My favorite so far would have to be general psychology with Mrs.Whelan. I have found the way she teaches the class interesting and also enjoyable. My least favorite class so far this year would have to be Microsoft office. This class plainly bores me and does not interests me as much as general Psych does.
ReplyDeleteChris Pionegro
The courses I like the best are english courses because i enjoy reading and learning about literature. The courses I enjoy the least are algebra classes because it is not an easy to understand for me.
ReplyDeleteKevin Krotulis
ReplyDeleteThe school courses that I like best are simply Math and Science. They are the courses that I believe are most important in life therefore I'm intrigued by them and want to excell more in them. Also, they have the most in-depth learning possibilities.
ReplyDeleteI would love--emphasis on "love"--to say that my favorite course is Law for Business and Personal Use. Unfortunately, I can't say that because (despite having signed up for it) I did not get that course which is vital to my career goals.
And so I must settle for Creative Writing. Although I have proven myself to be rather brain dead time and time again in first period classes, I have learned a variety of stuff so far (except for a word other than "stuff"). It's a good class because writing stories comes naturally to me. (I look forward to a year with Guthner, who must survive another Thompson.)
I detest Probablity, Statistics, and Discrete Math. I like the teacher, just not the course. Why? Because it's math. Math is boringly easy, especially statistics.
Tha school courses I like best are the ones that prepare you for college and your life, such a personal finance. I also like courses that involve your peronal interests like art or chorus.
ReplyDeleteThe school course I like least is langages because it doesn't seem we learn anything from it. Languages are supposed to be learned my speaking it, but all we do is write.
Shannon Gallagher
The school courses I like the best are the courses that prepare you for college and teach you about life. I believe those classes are the ones we can use the most in life. The classes that I like the least are classes that we have to use as filler classes that we do not need or are not interested in. I also do not like gym I do not believe it has to do anything with teaching us about life or preparing us for our futures.
ReplyDeleteRichie Pascoe
ReplyDeleteelectives are my personal favorite beacuse they are your choice. They aren't the set courses needed to graduate, just fun ones that you can do what youd like. They are your choice. My least favorite is math because i find it all too easy
i guess id have to say the class es we get to pick are the best. i like the fact that we get a choice at the thing that interest us most, us like the middle or elementary school. my personel favorite
ReplyDeleteclass is culnery arts because i have always ben interested in it
Mark Torlucci
ReplyDeleteThe school courses i like the best are the electives specifically performing arts and so far personal finance has been good.I like the performin arts such as band and chorus i like to play the saxophone and i like to sing. I also like history i think it's fun learning about the past which will also help us with the future. The course i like the least is math, math and me never really got along there was too many formulas to know and remember then you had to know when to use one on which equation.
Ryan Smedberg
ReplyDeleteI dont really like any classes besides this class, personal finance. The reason is because i know the other classes im taking will not help me in acheiving my goal of becomming a fire fighter. The only reason i would like any other classes is because of the friends i have in them. Normally i would like subjects such as history and science however most teachers in the school are more caught up on things like grades and GPA rather than the students learning the actual subject in a fun and interesting way. To me my other classes are just work periods which will be irelevant to my future. I like personal finance because i know as an adult i will be able to say this class was actually worth something and im still using the information i learned way back in highschool. Unlike math, science, english, and history.
The classes i like the most are my math and science classes. Even though these classes are usually looked at as hard classes, they seem to come very easy to me. I also need these classes to improve my knowledge for when i go into pre-medical studies in college. I also enjoy all of my elective classes because i basically get to choose what i want to learn about. The electives that i like are classes like italian, graphic design, personal finance, and cooking. The classes i like the least are history and english. I have never really enjoed either of the classes and i honestly dont know why.
ReplyDeleteThe courses I like the most is child care. We had a change to teacher little kids and it made me think I may want to do that in the future. I also love math because i had such great teacher that made it easy. The courses i hate the most is all three years of science because I don't enjoy the subjuct. I had to spend the most time studing for those class.
ReplyDeleteThe school courses i like the best are ones i choose to take. I pick them because i either know i'm good at the class or want it because it seems fun and useful. Also, it depends on the teacher if i really like a class.
ReplyDeleteThe school courses i don't like are ones that waste my time and are unnecessary. For exaple, taking gym all four years instead of an acedemic class. Also, i don't like a class because of the teacher or the way they teach the class.
The school courses I like the best are Child Care and Photography. I love the teachers in those classes and the class itself. I'm thinking about becoming a teacher so child care can get me ready if that is what I wanna do. I love the photography class its one of my hobbies and your always learning something new.
ReplyDeleteI don't really have any classes I don't like.
Alexis McGowan
Marlaina Kimbiz
ReplyDeleteThis year the classes that i like are History and Algebra. The reason why i like algebra is beacause i love solving things i also like History because its fun learning about the past and seeing what others did to get us where we are today. i would have to say my least favorit classes are English and Science. I also like picking my own classes because then i can have fun while i learn.
I like any of the art classes because I like to draw even know im not any good at it and I also like taking pictures and if I im not in a good mood it puts me in a better one. I also like Child Care because I love little kids and it is a fun class to take. I don’t like English because I hate to write and read.
ReplyDeleteSchool courses I find that are gym because i'm a fit person, and you can't fail unless your lazy or the teacher doesn't like you and looks for reasons to fail you. Other courses I like are the science courses because i'm a fan and without science where would we be. Courses I least like is english for i've never been big on writing alot when i can just speak my mind.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite courses would have to be Math n Gym. The reason why I like math is because im kind of good at it and I actually learn stuff from it. Gym is fun the times we do activities but not when we do wellness. There are a lot of courses i dont like. One is History because it is very boring n im terrible at it. Another is Science probably because i just dont like it at all. English i dont like because you have to write a lot and read a lot and I dont like that. Pretty much every course I dislike because i hate school.
ReplyDeleteNick Colavito
The courses that I like the most are the science and art classes, especially Biology and Foundations of Art. These are my favorite because they're interesting and they both incorporate what I like to do and what I'm pretty good at. English is also one of the better courses because it's mostly reading and writing, two of my favorite things. Math, mostly Geometry, is my least favorite, mostly because I'm not that great at it and it's one of the hardest classes to sit through.
ReplyDeleteThe school courses i like the most are gym and culinary arts because i like to cook and be active. also i love the specials in this school its nice to be able to pick what you would like to take. for instance i switched into personal finace because i like computers. courses i dont like are math and english and that is beacause of the teachers if the teacher is not right for me then the course never seems to be any fun so they are the main part of what makes a course fun
ReplyDeleteThe school courses that I like the best are the electives that I want to take. I took foundations of art my junior year and it was fun. English is my favorite subject because I like to write. I also enjoy working with computers, that is why I took web designing. I always wanted to take a class on cooking, but I never did. The school courses that I like the least are definitely math and history. Math is my worst subject because I always find it to be difficult. History just doesn't interest me at all, except for learning about the holocaust.
ReplyDeleteThe courses i like the best are art and lunch. While lunce may not be an actual course and it is now limited to approximately a half hour i get to chill with my friends despite the fact that it seems like once i walk in its almost over. I enjoy art because its an elective and i can do what i enjoy drawing rather than the old classes in our curriculum. All in all school is decent.
ReplyDeleteThe school courses that ive taken from my freshmen year to now ive been very pleased with. My best subject is science because i always have a good grade in that class. Its also my favorite subject. Idislike math since its too many numbers and its too much for me. I had 2 art classes my freshmen and sophomore year. This year im going to vocational school for medical assisting and so far its very interesting and i love it.
ReplyDeleteBethany Butka
ReplyDeletethe courses i like best are english and nutrition/wellness. i like these courses because english is very fun, nutrition/wellness has a lot of my friends in it. these two are my favorite. i don't have any classes that i don't like because they are all easy and fun this year!
samantha crennan
ReplyDeletei like all the science classes, mostly because thats my best subject. i dont like algebra or any math classes because im terrible with numbers. i also like art classes like ceramics and photography.
Jacob Robertson
ReplyDeleteMy most favorite course this year is culinary arts. It is extremley fun because you get to cook food and learn about different diets. My least facorite class is gemoatry because I dont like to do math and it bores me.
Jackie Caravella
ReplyDeleteThe courses I like this year are the electives because you get to pick what course you would like to take. The courses i do not like are math and english because I am not that very good at them, but i hope to get better at them by the end of this year.
Ethan Miller said...
I like the History courses because of the knowledge it brings about our past and its mistakes, so that we can make sure they do not happen again.
I like Math because it allows me to understand complex situations in an ordered matter, much like how Mathematics works.
I like English because it is the language I speak, and it is necessary to use it in order to get my points across.
I like Science because it unravels many mysteries of the world.
I like Business courses because they allow me to prepare for adult, business life.
I dislike Art classes because I was never a good artist, and I feel theyre a waste of time.
I dislike Music classes because I do not play an instrument and theyre useless me.
This year I managed to get every class I wanted except wood and metal shop. I can't say I have a favorite, since I picked most of my classes. Though when it comes to the one I like the least that's probably going to be Algebra II, and the only reason I feel that way is because I dislike algebra, not necessarily math. So It probably won't even be that bad. I've got a pretty easy year ahead of me.
ReplyDeleteJosh Sherman
ReplyDeleteMy favortie class so far would have to be US history with Mrs. Whelan. This class is fun and, even though its an honors course, its easy. My least favorite class is definitely geometry. this class is boring and the teacher is just as bad.
Erin Jadus
ReplyDeleteThe course I like best are Spanish because it is a lot easier than the teacher I had last year for Spanish.My least favorite sunject would have to be Gym because that class bores me and the rules are a lot stricter than last year.
Mike McGreevey
ReplyDeleteMy favorite class this year is art I like it the most because it keeps me occupied because i like to draw. My least favorite class is language arts because I do not enjoy writing.
Josh Choper
ReplyDeleteThis year I have enjoyed my Math and History Class because Bolton and Whelan are real cool. I also like Financial Planning because it gives me a chance to chill and look stuff up on computers. I don't like English because it is a boring class.
Rachel Freitas
ReplyDeleteThe courses that I like the most this year would have to be Science and Math, the reason being is that we are learned more then the original basics of these courses. The course that I like the least this year would have to be English, and this reason would be that I don’t find what we read interesting nor helpful.
Nicole Mossbacher
ReplyDeleteThe course that I personally enjoy so far is French III. I only say this because all the rest of my favorite classes don't come until the second half of the school year. I do not enjoy Algebra, because I feel you do need math in life, but not that kind of pointless numbering.
Konrad Pacholec
ReplyDeleteI heavn't had a chance to like any courses yet because it's been only three days. So far, all of my courses seem to be neutral, however the one that is a little outstanding is math. I choose math because I'm good at it and I the time goes quickly. From personal experience, the faster the class goes the better it is. Boring classes seem to be long. I am looking forward to chemisty and history next semester.
Corinne Aballo
ReplyDeleteThe school course that I like the best is English. Part of the reason this is my favorite class is that it is my best subject.Science is also another one of my favorites because it is interesting to see how things are formed and how things work. Math is my least favorite subject and I don't really have a reason for it I'm just not a fan.
Megan Glass
ReplyDeleteThe courses i like the best are anything dealing with science. after high school i am going to college for science, so it would make scene that i like those courses in high school. the courses i do not like are the ones that you really have no choice but to take or the ones that never seem to end.
Josh Poinsett
ReplyDeleteThe cources i like the least is english because its really long and there is alot of people in there. A class that i like the best is lunch but thats not a class so i would have to say science because its easy. Also i like this class because it will help learn about finances.
Right now the block is nice. It's going by quicker than I expected and the classes are in a good atmosphere. My first class is Anatomy and Physiology. It seems pretty good and is infomrative on the human body and how it works. The students and teacher, Mr O'Donnell, are relaxed. My second class is Biology 2 honors. It's a small class with tons more girls then guys and the teacher seems strict at first. I like the challenge and I think the class will settle in. I like this personal fincance class with a layed back style and discussing different aspects of what we want to do. My last class is the most difficult that is AP Calculus. It is for the high of the high in the class and is the most challenging I've ever taken. It'll be tough but I think I can do it.
Allisyn Shindle
ReplyDeleteThe courses that I enjoy taking the most are English and Science based courses. This is mainly because I desire to become a journalist after college and find science to be interesting. I find that these two classes are the ones which your teacher can go off topic and the conversation still remains relevant to what is being taught. These classes allow students to not only learn the material, but also life lessons. In addition, science has always been a course that challenges yet intrigues me. The courses I have taken: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics have allowed me to become a more intellectual person.
The course I enjoy least has always been and always will be Math. I have never been the type that can grasp a concept in one day and move on. I feel as if all Math courses demand this of you in some way. The only reason I survived Math is because I was blessed with amazing teachers all four years of my high school career.
Dale Powell
ReplyDeleteThe classes i have chosen for this year
i like alot. Also i do not dislike any class.
Jenna Scialabba
ReplyDeleteThe courses that I enjoy taking the most are History and English. I enjoy theses subjects because in history I like to learn about things that I don’t already know. For instance, history is full of ancient artifacts, information about all the major wars, and most of all our former presidents. English is my favorite subject, I love to write! I like to write stories, write about something I read, and most of all I enjoy writing papers about people I got information on, such as an interview or a book report. Reading is interesting too, because you learn about origins about different time periods, and also information about how war and other major events occurred.
The courses that I enjoy the least are Algebra and Chemistry. The reason that I don’t like Algebra is because you have to memorize a lot of vocabulary and all different types of formulas. Also you need to do a lot of the math in your head if you can’t use a calculator. With chemistry you need to research a lot of information doing with the body, wildlife, and the earth. I think it is boring and just too much to read.
Kayla Prendergast
ReplyDeleteThe courses that I like the best would have to be chours. This is a course that I really enjoy and its a class that is fun because singing come natural to me. I also like English I love to write becuase that way i can show my creative side. The class that I dislike would be history. It does not intrest me at all. I feel like i don't get anything out of it.
The classes I like this year are history, holocaust studies, gym, english, and personal finance.
ReplyDeleteHistory because I want to be a history teacher.
Personal finance because Mr. Holmes is a brutally honest person and my brother had him when he went to this school.
Holocaust Studies because it's a cool course we start every day with music, and Mr. Bloom is cool too.
Gym because we are active and the only part of the day most of us are active.
And English because Mrs. Schervo and Mrs. M are cool and Mrs. Schervo also likes Eddie Izzard and Monty Python.
"And Hitler ended up in a ditch covered in petrol on fire, so that's fun...and it was honeymoon as well. Double trouble! Yay!" Eddie Izzard "Dress to Kill"
Barry Harris
ReplyDeleteThe courses I like the best is gym because I like to do activities and have fun. The course I like the least is ceramics because I dont really like drawing or painting.
Corinne Maher
ReplyDeleteThe class I enjoy are gym classes because i like to try different activities.I also like math classes because I want to be a math teacher.I don't like history because it's not interesting to me.