Sunday, September 20, 2009

Personal Finance September 21, 2009

How does an employer choose between one interviewee and another interviewee? What skills are important for an interviewee to have when applying for a job? Use at least 50 words to explain yourself.


  1. I think the way most interviewers choose between one interviewee from another is based on their interview as a whole. One person may have a better education and background but they may also be dull while the person with a less impressive background could be lively. It all depends on what the interviewer is looking for with either personality or impressive items off of a resume. The skills that are important when applying for a job are any skills that pertain to the job you are applying for. The skills you have or don't have can get you the job, or not.

  2. Kymiir Maples

    For an interviee it is very hard to try and read the interviewer moods and facial expressions because they are trained to do this to see how you adjust to thesse situations. But or the most part you can go off your feelings and at the end of what the interviewer say their gonna d for you to persue the job

  3. There are many ways an employer chooses between one interviewee and another. To start off he looks for skills that are important to the individual. The employer looks for what we know as special skills. These skills are what they can contribute to the work environment. Besides this they also look for work experience and theis previous jobs. These are just a few of the resons that will get one interviewee over another.

  4. Kevin Krotulis

    An employer chooses between interviewers by determination. The employer has to make sure that the potential employer has the right requirements as well as how much they desire the job. The last thing a corporation needs is a person who hates what they do and do not excell at the job because they do not desire to be there. The perfect employee is a person who is 100% dedicated towards the job, loves what they do, and wants to strive at what they do.

  5. Mark Torlucci

    The interviewer chooses a interviewee over another by comparing their skills and experience. If one interviewee has more skills that pertain to the job then the interviewer will pick that interviewee over the other one. One important skill to have when applying for a job is computer skills. Computer skills are very important in this age of technology where you need to know all about computers.

  6. Emma Thompson (Cute picture, there.)

    An employer will look for skills that are imperative to the company's success. If he needs a secretary, he will look for a qualified typist.

    However, he will also look for people skills. Being able to communicate with no only clients or customers but also coworkers is imperative to success. (Any company requires a certain degree of teamwork among its workers.) The ability to comprehend what you read and what you hear is also equally important. (Would you want some socially awkward schmuk who can't follow simple directions working for you?)

  7. Marlaina Kimbiz

    When you going for an interview you have to bring something extra to the table. there are going to be many people going after the same job that you want and in order for them to pick you, you have to have something that sticks out to them. Something that is different and something is going to make you better for the job. Some thing extra that could help you is speaking another language that can help you.

  8. Ryan Smedberg

    An employer will be looking for the essential qualities needed in order to handle the job. These skill qualities will vary with every job course out there. However employers will also look deeply at your personality. Social workplaces call for social and open people. Sometimes your attitude and personality can decide productivness over skill. I believe an employer will want to hire a person he can be on the same page with rather then someone who he could barely communicate with.

  9. An employer looks for many things. one is charisma
    if you are a person that gets tired and dose not sleep well he will look for someone who is alert
    and awake. another thing is an intelligent employee. if you are a high school drop out you aren't going any where. an employer wants someone with a good education and an intelligent person.

  10. In a job interview there are many different factors that determine if you will get the job or not. When it comes down to choosing between two people, the intervier will first compare resumes. Who ever has the most experince or job qualification will most likely get the job. It the two resumes are almost identical, the interviewer will probably pick the person who presented themself the best durring the interview.

  11. An interviewer chooses their interviewees by process of elimination. They look at skils personality and many other key facts about the person. Some may even just look at you and see that you truly have what it takes. When you are looking for a job look at something that might have a specific set of skills required that you already have. Seriously don't go to an interview and not be able to do the job.

  12. I think that an employer chooses between one interviewee and another interviwee by seeing how the interview went. If the interviewee answers question intelligently then they will stand out from someone that answered with dull responses, or answers that had nothing to do with the company itself. Skills that are important for an interviewee to have are good communication, and verbal punctuation. Being able to prepare yourself mentally for an interview is very important.

  13. An employer chooses between one interviewee and another by seeing which one is more qualified, which one is more personable, and which one would do the job better.
    Some skills that are important for an interviewee to have are good social skills with people, good manners, and to be smart about what you are doing.

  14. How an employee chooses between one interviewee and another interviewee is there interviewing skills. The skills you must have for an interviewer to pick you over another is you must make a good first impression, maintain good eye contact at all times, smile, know about the company you are interviewing for, and maintain good posture. If you have interviewing skills all the rest is up to the employee of whom you are interviewing for.

  15. I think an employer chooses between one interviewee and another interviewee by looking at the skills because that is like the major thing you need to have for the job and if you dont have those particular skills you are not right for it. Some skills that are important for an interviewee to have when applying for a job are knowing what your good at and having good social and understanding abilities.

    Nick Colavito

  16. An employer may choose one interviewee from another by the skill one may have. If the one has specail training in that area, they are more likely to get the job. They could have a better education or went to a better school. One of the interviewee could have also worked in a similar job to what they are appling for. How you act during the interview is important too. You could be perfect for the job but if the employer doesnt think you will fit into the office he may not hire you.

  17. An empolyer chooses between one interviewee and another by carefully examining what each interviewee has to offer. Skills that are important for an interviwee to have when applying for a job are, to always be hardworking and patient. Also, it is important to have a lot of information about the job. The interviwee should make sure that the job that they are applying for is a job that they want. Other skills are to make sure that you don't talk too long during the interview, and always be sincere.

  18. There are various ways an employer can choose from one interview to another. Important skills for the individual. Researches special skills that contribute the work enviornment. Jobs that fit that person's interest or position for that company. Also previous work experience.

  19. An employer has a few things to look at on how to choose between one interviewee and another interviewee. They can look at the education background, job history, and the qualifications or skills they offer the company. Once they look past that, the employer should look at how their attitude was and how determined they were to get and keep the job. Some skills important for an interviewee to have when applying for a job may be working with a team or independently successfully. They also can be dependent, follow instructions, and be honest.

  20. Well an employer would look to see if either one has experience. What eduction does each one have. Who seems more dedicated to work and do there best for the job. Also could be looking to see which interviewee is more ready. Pretty much there always looking for who's more didicated for the job.

  21. An interviewer does some simple things to make their choice on who to pick to get the job. If it is a choice between two people the interviewer can easily compare resumes for starters. After comparing the two resumes, the interviewer can than compare how each interviewee was during the interview. depending on how they were,( posture wise, manners, and how they acted during the interview). could finalize the interviewers decision.

    Chris Pionegro

  22. How does an employer choose between one interviewee and another interviewee? They Chose By Which One Was Better. Who has a better
    Experience at the Job. What their Education was if it was a good or bad one. If their nice or not. If they have a smile on their face. What skills are important for an interviewee to have when applying for a job? You have to have a good education. Make sure you know about the job (what it is and what your going to do there)So when they ask you question you answer back with the right answer.

  23. Alexis McGowan

    The employer would choose the person who best fits the job and that would be best suited for the job. They would have to have the right skills, job training, resume, ect. They want to know how you act, your personality, how you deal with situations. Its important to show who you are as a person.

  24. Jackie Caravella
    An employer has many ways to chose which person is right for the job. One person might have a better education and have gone to a better college. Another person might have a better personality towards the job and is very enthusiastic. An employer should chose the best interveiewee by how the entire interveiw goes.

  25. Josh Choper

    An employer decides between two employee options when they are equally qualified by the interview. The interview tells an employer what kind of person the employee is and what they can do for them in the workplace. Some skills that are vital for interviews are clear and conscise answers, maintaining eye contact, and answering with confidence. These skills enable an employee to seem very appealing in an interview.

  26. Erin Jadus
    The employer would choose an interviewee that best suites the job and best qualifies for it.They will look at to see if you have the any skills that best qulaify for the job.Another would be any job training so they know if you have any job experiences.They will also look at your resume to see what other jobs you have had in the past and to see if you have any degrees that you have earned.They will also want to see how well-mannered you are to see really what kind of person you really are.And also to see how you are with different situations that happen.

  27. josh sherman

    when an interviewer needs to choose between two different interviewees he looks at their abilities. if you have certain skills that will help you at the job you are competing in then you make them known. this will play to your favor when he is making his choice. also if you have any bachground in the field ethnically then that will also play to your favor.

  28. Mike McGreevey
    The employer would choose the interviewee who is the best fit for the job. They would need to show a special personality or mind to be good at that specific job. In order to be picked for the job the interviewer would have to think that you where the appropriate person.

  29. Dustin Cottrell

    The employer chooses between different interviewees by what each of them brings to the table. Usually a person who makes a good first impression or seems organized and a good "people person" will get the job. Another thing they look for is for who answer the questions the best way. Usually the personality is the difference in who gets the job.

  30. Corinne Aballo
    When you are going against other people for a job you need to have something extra for the table. You need to know exactly what you are going for and be determined to get the possition. Make sure that you dont over do your resume and make good points that will catch the interviewers attention.

  31. Konrad Pacholec

    Employee chooses the worker based on his abilities and things needed to work in certain jobs. For example, some jobs require group work, so employee needs someone who will be able to work with and communicate with the rest of the group. The interview has to be outstanding. He has to know why is he there and what is he there for. Communicating and manners are important skills when interviewing.

  32. Ethan Miller said...

    An interviewer would choose one interviewee over another based on people skills, life skills, how they react to pressure situations and their work enviornment. An interviewee should be able to stay calm, have high self-esteem and manage their time in order to impress the interviewer.

  33. Allisyn Shindle

    An interviewer has a hard decision to make when deciding between various interviewees. They will most likely look for the candidate that has the most qualifications such as education, experience, etc. The interviewee has to realize though that the reason they were called for an interview in the first place is because they interviewer wants to learn about them and not just what they’ve done. So, the person who seems the most personable and the one that asks questions about the company as well as the interviewer will most likely be the one who will receive the job.

  34. Bethany Butka

    An employer chooses which person is fit for the job by education, manners, talking skills, working skills, past jobs, ect. One person may have a better understanding of the job and a better attitude towards his/her work. It all depends on which interview goes better. Who has the btter personality, and who the interviewer feels more confident and comfortable working with.

  35. Some important things to keep in mind, some traits you should practice, would be good speaking skills. Speaking clearly, projecting your voice with enough confidence but not too much. When you are called in for an interview your application has been looked over, and you already know that you are in the running for the job. At this point they employer wants to meet you in person, not just a piece of paper. It’s all about presenting yourself with confidence and keeping collected, being honest and appropriate. One mistake could lose you the job. The employer will pick the applicant with the best personality and charisma once you’ve made it this far. And charisma is something you can practice in the mirror at home the night before. That could set you apart from the crowd the day you go in for your interview.

  36. Anthony Altilio
    In competing with other people for the same job, the employer will have to make the decision to whom they will offer the job to. The employer is looking to diferentiate between who is most qualified by several things. They look to see who has more experience, who has the more qualified resume, and who presents themself better in the intwerview. The skills most important for an interviewie would be his or her ability to present themselves in the most proffesional and mature way possible. They need to sound confident and they need to know the right information

  37. Jacob Robertson

    It is very hard for an employer to pick between two interviewee. They have to look at many different things that each interviee posesses. The employer will look at who is more prepared, who is more qualified for the job, and who ever makes the first impression will probally get the job. The employer could also look at the interviewees job history to see wat experiance they have.

  38. Megan Glass

    Some ways that an employer can choose between one interviewee and another interviewee are the qualifications and/or skill, pervious jobs, availability, and in some places look at education. If one interviewee has a better education than the other, then they will be picked over the one with the lesser education. Also jobs are looking for certain skills. Say one person has no idea what they would have to do in the company, but the other person has had plenty of experience with the job tasks. Another example is availability. If you can only work two days a week for three hours a day and the employer needs someone to work five days, eight hour shifts, you will not get the job.

  39. Kayla Prendergast

    When an employer has to choose between one interviewee and another interviewee they usually look at your resume. Then they can determine who has the qualifications that are needed. Also the one who has more experience in the type of work they are looking for would most likely get the job. The employer can make a better selection when they are prepared to work and have the necessary skills.

  40. Jenna Scialabba

    An interviewer has to make the hardest decision. They have to pick between groups of well skilled workers. What you need to look for in an employee is quickness, skills, attention, determination, and focus. You need to look for theses qualities because it will help you choose the best person for the job. It’s easy for anyone to just pick someone for a job, but you need to make sure that you have all the requirements for the job. When you’re in an interview you need to make your best impression, and follow all the requirements that they ask of you. But for the employer it is hard to choose you have to think long and hard, so they can pick the best one to peruse in there job abilities.

  41. Josh poinsett
    When you go out for a job interview you have to show them about your special skills your personality and they want to see how you act in certain situations. Some jobs need special skills some jobs need no skills at all some people have special skills that you dont have.An employer is looking for that right person for the job.

  42. One of the things that the emloyer looks for when interviewing multiple people is charisma. Because if the person that gets the job is promoted to a high ranking position, they need to have charisma to make sure that dealss go well. When interviewing, they look for the right skills.

  43. Dale Powell
    an interviwer chooses an employer by their skills on how they present themselves and carry themselves. an interviewer should be prepared fort anything from questions like why do you want to work here, were you fired or laid off or why did you leave. you should have a notepad and pen to take down notes on what they expect.

  44. Nicole Mossbacher

    Choosing between one interviewee or another is a decision the employer must make. First of all they would first check who is more qualified for the job. If the two people are equal, than the employer would go by personality. The skills each interviewee would need are to present yourself well during the interview. Also be polite and sit tall.

  45. Barry Harris

    The employer decides by choosing the person with better skills and the better personality as being a good listener and doing good things in life. The skills that the employer may look for is the speech, eye contact, a good resume, and a person that is really confident and smart.
