Thursday, September 10, 2009

Personal Finance September 11, 2009.

Utilizing fifty words or more, explain the benefits to teenagers of part-time jobs, special skills training and volunteer work.


  1. Richie Pascoe

    Part-time jobs, voulenteer work, and skills training are very helpful for kids today. They train you to learn how to work for the future. Part-time jobs give you pay and can help you learn how to go through interviews and work with people. Voulenteer work halps you learn how to help people out. Skills training is also good because it can build your skills and help you learn new ones.

  2. Kevin Krotulis

    A teenager benefits from having a part-time job, special skills training, and volunteer work in numerous ways. No one finds out exactly what they want to do with their lives with their first jobs. They just help them find out where they would like to direct their careers. Once a person finds out what they want to do, they can save up money with their job. With special skills training and community service a student can add to their college profile. In other words, having a part-time job at this time gives a person a, "taste of life."

  3. Mark Torlucci

    If you're a teenager a part-time job is very important. It lets you realize the value of a dollar and it gives you a sense of sucess. It also helps you get ready for the real world and full time jobs. Special skills training does just what it tells you, if you have that special skill you have something no one else does and that gets you a job.Volunteer work gets you experience in a certain job skill and could help you get a good job in a econominal situation that isn't at it's greatest.

  4. Marlaina Kimbiz

    When a teenager gets a job it helps them in ways grow up. You have to learn responibility by being on time and doing your job well. You have to respect people that come into your work you have to be muture and not lose money or importand papers. it teaches you how its going to be in the future when your job is you life and you have to go because you have to pay the bills. Its importand to be respectful during your job to so it teaches you that as well. When you get a job it also helps with your money saving because you never new how much hard work your parents put into to get you that new ipod or anything that you wanted it helps you save more and take care of the things you buy yourself.

  5. There are many benefits to teenagers that have part-time jobs, special skills training and do volunteer work. Having a part-time job prepares you for the real world. It teaches you responsibility, how to handle your own income, and to get along with people you’ve probably never met before. The benefits of special skills training is common sense, you gain special skills in a certain area. Volunteer work teaches you to care for other people and it doesn’t have to be for money. Also, like having a part-time job, it teaches you to more social.

  6. Part time jobs, special skills training, and volunteer work benefit teenagers in many ways. All of these things proviede teenagers with skills that they will always be able to use. The knowlege of job skills will help them in all aspects of their lives in the future. A part time job also provieds a teenager with money. Since gas prices are so high, teenagers need to have there own source of income to pay for it. Volunteer work helps a teenager with there college resume. In order to get some scholarships, a certain number of volunteer hours must be worked. So by working for no pay, you are able to cut down your college tuituion, therefore having more money in the long run.

  7. Teenagers who have part time jobs, special skill training, and do volunteer work know the benefits of hard work and know that it can result in money or just feeling good about yourself for helping other people. They realize what the real world is like and how hard it is to make it on your own. Special skill training can benefit you, because you can make more money at whatever your doing.

    Shannon Gallagher

  8. There are many benefits to teenagers having part-time jobs, special skills training, and doing volunteer work. Having a part-time job teaches teenagers responsibility and how to handle their money, especially if they have a car and need to buy gas and pay for car insurance. Part-time jobs, special skills, and volunteer work also help teenagers get into better colleges than they might have gotten into had they not had the experiences. Special skills training will also help teenagers later in life with their respective careers, especially if they were trained in the field of study they wish to pursue. Volunteer work may also enrich a teenager's life, allowing them to experience different places and people that they may not have come across otherwise.

  9. having a part time job is a nice thing to have. it gives you experience and some extra money. it is also good to do some volunteer work it looks good on a job application. special skill training is very beatifically for a teenager to have, it gives you more experience in the carrier you want to follow and once again it looks good on an application.

  10. Emma

    Part-time jobs, special skills training, and volunteer work all yield practical benefits.

    In all three areas, skills are being refined--whether it'd be the ability to repair something, the ability to learn something, or the ability to follow directions.

    All jobs require that someone can follow orders and do things when told to do them and how to do them. This, or so I've been told, is something employers value or, in the very least, take into consideration.

    Special skills that have been refined at, say, vocational schools are also very useful. If you can change the oil in your car by yourself, you've saved thirty-some dollars (I would imagine).

    Volunteer work is just as valuable as it shows that you can work with others to achieve a goal or, in many cases, take the initiative to do something and organize your ideas into a meaningful result.

    In the end, you are becoming a self-sufficient person.

  11. The benefit to teenagers of part-time jobs is teaching them responsibility. Part time jobs are jobs that are not necessarily what you want to do for the rest of you life but it could help you narrow down to what you do want to be doing. Special skills training and volunteer work also prepare you for the real world. Special skills training could also teach you and help you prepare for you future career or job. Volunteer work can help you build character and can also make teenagers feel good about themselves.

  12. Teenagers can benefit from part-time jobs because it teaches them about responsibility. Also part-time jobs can be used to figure out what special skills they have or do not have. Part-time jobs are sometimes utilized just for money, but it can also help to figure out what career path they would like to follow. Volunteer work also benefits teenagers because it gives them the oppurtunity to interact with other people, and helps them find out special skills they may have.

  13. The benefits to teenagers that have a part-time job, special skills training or volunteer work is that it's worth something toward your career in the future. I have two jobs. Its easy to have two jobs if they're not hard.

  14. Part-time jobs, special skills training and volunteer work can benefit teenagers in many ways. They can get prepared for their careers later on in their life. Their skills like social skills will go up. Depending on what type of job it is they can get better at helping out around the house more. They also can start saving the money they make so they can put it into things like their college they would like to go to and others.

    Nick Colavito

  15. There are many benefits to teenagers from part-time jobs, special skills training and volunteer work. Part time jobs can give students something productive to do with their time. Jobs teach students responsibility and prepare them for the real world. While working students can make money doing something that requires them to think as well as work rather than just sitting at home and watching t.v.
    Volunteer hours also help students to function on a higher level. They also help to make them learn to take care of more than just themselves. Their actions do indeed affect more than just one person.

  16. Part time jobs are a very helpful thing to have as a kid. it can help you with money also help your work ethic as you grow older voulenteer work is also a very helpful thing beacuse not only is it good for you it also helps other people voulenteer work is usually a good outlet for any kid. The special skills training would most likely help you the most because not only are you working and learning you also have these skills in the future to utilize.

  17. There are many benefits of teenagers working part time jobs, special skills training and volunteer work. One benefit to this is the experience that the teenagers are getting. Instead of being thrown out into the working world and having no or little experience, teenagers will know what jobs are looking for and what is required to be able to work. Another benefit of this is by helping your reputation as well as resume. If a teenager is going to a certain college, some colleges like to see if a applicant has had previous jobs, or even has voleentered some of their time to do something.

    Chris Pionegro

  18. I believe it is important for teenagers to work part-time, do volunteer work, and learn what their good at and what they enjoy doing. Getting a job at a young age is important and it can help you with your future. It can make you realize what you would like to do but also what you wouldn't like to do. Voluneering is great because you get to help others and you come to the realization it's not all about you, and you can try all types of things till you know what you wanna do.
    Alexis McGowan

  19. kymiir maples

    Many teens today have part time jobs many even have two jobs to support families needs.But by teens either practing their skill through sports or oter activites is also great.By having the part time job this gives the teen the progression of matuaity an also independence. And also by skills can really give teens that egde they need to strive for whats right

  20. The benefits of teenages having a part time job is they have a chance to figure out what they want to do in life. If you hate your job you'll know for the future not to get involed in such jobs. Also teenages are now working for there money, and know how much work they have to do to get it. Volunteeer work and special skill training will allow you to learn much more about the jobs without wasting alot of time study and going to college to just change it later in life. If you don't love what you do you'll end unhappy and mad at yourself.

  21. The benefits to the teengers of part-time jobs, special skills training and volunteer work are an advantage for us. Part-time jobs for teenagers give us an idea of how work is going to be like when we get older and start our lives after high school. A job is good at any age because it teaches you how to deal with people. Also, having a job requires you to learn new things and practice on learning them. Money is always going to be important in our lives no matter what we end up doing, so it is good to start working and saving up your money. Special skills training teach us the skills we need to have when working at any job. You must always be patient, kind, and hardworking at any job you may want to have. Volunteer work shows that you are a sincere hardworking individual and you don't always need to get paid while serving other people.

  22. If you have a part-time jobs, special skills training and volunteer work. It gives you responsibility. Gets you ready for the future. Teaches you how to work with others and dealing with people. You get a pay check at the end of week so you can go out and do your own thing. And not use your parents money.

  23. Teenagers benefit from part time jos and special skills training. For we learn dependense, and it's like a jump start into getting ready to work the rest of our lifes. We learn how to make our own money instead of depending on our parents our whole life. We Learn what we like to do and don't like to do in the working world.

  24. Part time jobs and volunteer work is good for teens because it eases them into the working life. Before they go into the full on stressful experience of a full time job they can get an idea of what work is like. For instance joining the volunteer fire department in Brick could help me understand the job without going on too many calls like i would see in the city. It serves as a very good preview for what your going into later on in life.

    Ryan Smedberg

  25. Bethany Butka

    Volunteer work for teenagers is good because you can put it on your application for college, and your resume for a job after you finish school. Most jobs and schools like you volunteering or having a job when you are younger to help you out in the next years.

  26. Jackie Caravella
    Many teens these days have many jobs, but in reality have no idea what they want to do yet. Part time jobs and special training help teens to figure out wha tthey want to do in life. Examples, if a teen wants to get into the food business, they would enjoy waitressing or busting tables at a young age to get experiance. Volunteering helps students make them look sophisticated on their college applications and community service is great for your own self.

  27. Ethan Miller said...

    Part times jobs are extremely beneficial to teenagers through valuable work experience early in life. Without part time jobs, many teens would go head first into the adult world without an idea of what they need to do to succeed. Part time jobs give them an entry step into the adult world. They also take up teenagers time so they are not doing things they should not be doing.

  28. Part-time jobs help teenagers in a number of ways. The first, and probably most important way is it helps develop a good work ethic. Without a good work ethic teenagers will never have the drive to create a constructive, successful life for themselves. The second is money. Teenagers are on the edge of school, they have a lot they have to get such as cars, college, living arrangements, and more. Teenagers always want more money. The third is experience. A part-time job as a teenager gives you the experience you may need to get a better job. It gives you something to put on a resume and once you get to the next job you have what it takes to do the work a harder job requires.

  29. samantha crennan

    Having a part-time job and volunteer work under your belt makes a college application look better. Having a job shows that you have responsibilities and dedication. Another benefit of teenagers having a part time job that they have extra money in their pockets for when they need something or just want to go out with their friends. Special skills training and having experience working prepares you for working in an professional environment and teaches you how to deal with people.

  30. Nicole Mossbacher

    Many teens today don't do anything productive with their free time. However, Part-time jobs, voulenteer work, and skills training can help change that for teens. These three things could benefit you in a number of ways. You make money with a part-time job. Voulenteer work looks great of a college application. Finally, skills training helps you with a career.

  31. Konrad Pacholec

    Part time jobs and voulenteer work is great opportunity to get money and get into the college of your choice. Part time jobs also provide skills that could be usefull in future life. Some of the skills aren't even visible until later in the future, such as responsibility, neatness and quality of work. Jobs that are payed are also good source of income for student's needs.

  32. Mike McGreevey
    Part time jobs and volunteer is good for teens because it is good for a teen to stay involved in something. This will make the teen learn that they need a job in order to have money. If you have a job in younger years you learn to keep a job.

  33. Allisyn Shindle

    As a teenager, receiving a part-time job, special skills training, and volunteer work all help them to mold into the people they desire to become in years to follow. Having a part-time job means that a teen will gather experience working with others and learning basic skills such as how to operate a cash register, file paperwork, etc. Special skills training provide teenagers with opportunities to explore talents needed in order to carry out their interests and hobbies as careers. Adolescents can greatly benefit from volunteer work as well by learning dedication, respect, and moral values from the citizens in which they choose to dedicate their time. Volunteer work shows many teens how to become good citizens in society. A part-time job, special skills training, and volunteer work all benefit a child greatly in society.

  34. Dale Powell
    Teenagers can benefit from part-time jobs because it teaches them about responsibility. Also part-time jobs can be used to figure out what special skills they have or do not have. Part-time jobs are sometimes utilized just for money, but it can also help to figure out what career path they would like to follow. Volunteer work also benefits teenagers because it gives them the oppurtunity to interact with other people, and helps them find out special skills they may have.

  35. Jacob Robertson
    There are many benifits of having a part time job or voulenteering. Withg a part time job as a teenager you can pay for your own needs instead of your parents paying for everything. Having a jopb also teaches responsibilaty and it also helps demonstrates how hard it is to make money. Doing coulenteer work is good because it also teaches you lessons and it makes others feel good. Voulenteering is one of the best things to do because it makes others happy and you know you are helping towards a good cause.

  36. Josh Choper

    A student can benefit greatly from having a part-time job, utilizing special skills, doing a volunteer work. They all promote good character and ensure good work ethic. They are also strong promoters of helping out the common good through volunteer work. Having special skills always enables a student to find jobs more easily as well. They are all very beneficial to students.

  37. Rachel Freitas

    A teenager benefits from having a part-time job, special skills training, and volunteer work in many ways. For some teenagers a part-time job helps them to find the meaning of hard work and to seek the value of a dollar. Most of the time it makes them ready for the real world, also prepares them for a career in the future. It help them seek there passion for one particular job and makes them say “I want to do this for the rest of my life.” Special skills training and volunteer work help you expand you mind on what you want to do and helps you get better jobs which can lead to you life time job.

  38. Dustin Cottrell

    Having volunteer work at a young age is key for many features of getting a career and a good job. It gives you great experience in a work field and in working with and around people. I volunteer for the basketball recreational league in Brick. I help coach with other head coaches on developing and training young kids into better basketball players. It also helps me when I work with other people and I have patience when working with people at a certain job.

  39. Josh Sherman
    Teenagers with part time jobs, volunteer work, and special skills training have many benefits. most people don't have a single clue of what they want to do and how to get there. when you get a part ime job you learn how to interact with people and if you even want that type of job. when u get special skills training you learn how to work at certain jobs and only those jobs. this help develop a sense of wat work you are good at and prepared for. when u do volunteer work you get a sense of how to motivate yourself and get through a job even if it is something you don't want to do.

  40. Having a job is when you're younger because you have a little experience of what a job is like.Having special skills for certain jobs also helps because you can excel and get a little further than others.Volunteer work alos helps when you're younger because it looks good on your collage application along with jobs,clubs,grades and sports teams you were on to have a better chance of getting into collage.

  41. Megan Glass

    Having a job when you are younger gives you the feeling of how things are going to be when you get older. It shows some of the skills that you have and maybe you can further your career in that field. It also shows you what you are not good at. Another thing is, if it is not a good job or a job you like, it will tell you that you should stay in school and work hard at getting a good education so that you can do well in life.

    Volunteer work helps you learn about your community, the people who lives around you or in the state you live it. It helps you develop an understanding for things that you maybe never had an opinion on.

  42. Josh Poinsett

    Part time jobs help teenagers in many ways because it gives them a chance to see what it is like to have a job and what they might want to do with there lives. It also lets the teenagers earn there own money and not get money handed to them when ever they need it. They get a feel of what it is like to make money and pay for there own bills and they get to see how hard it really is. Teenagers have many things to buy like cars gas living arrangements and alot more. That is what the advantages are of having a part time job.

  43. Anthony Altilio
    Teenagers in our society can benefit greatly from part time jobs, special skills training and volunteer work. Participating in this kind of work will give teenagers the experience and edge to help them in their maturity into adult hood. It gives teens an idea of what life after high school is going to be like. In working it also can help a teenager to figure out what they want to do with their life, in the sense of what they want to do for their career. Getting a part time job also allows a teenager to become more independent by supporting themselves.

  44. Corinne Aballo
    Teenagers that have a part time job helps teach them how to be responsible. You learn how to handle your money witch will better you in the future. You learn how to be your own person and so you’re able to stand on your own two feet. Volunteer work also teaches you responsibility. It also teaches you to grow up and help other people other then yourself.

  45. Jenna Scialabba

    A teenager benefits from having a part-time job, special skills training, and volunteer work in a thousand ways. Having a job as a young adult, you have to be responsible, take charge and grow up fast. With having a job you learn how it is in the real world. Having special skills as a teenager is also good because you can find a job easier and find a good college. You also can learn great visual and mental abilities to survive in the real world. By doing volunteer work you can get noticed by many colleges. A lot of colleges now look on your papers to see if you do a lot of after school activities. When you’re a teenager you should make sure you keep all of your options open and always help the community.

  46. Kayla Prendergast

    A part time job, special skills training, and volunteer work benefits teenagers in many ways. This type of work can help better prepare teenagers for real life. It helps prepare teenagers to finance their money and their life. The responsibility of having a job gives teenagers an idea of what it would be like in the future. It is also a good way to meet new people that could help you later on in life. A job is a good way to help pay for college if a teenager wants to go later on. But just the experience itself will give teenagers the boost to success.

  47. Teenagers getting jobs help them in many ways. It gives them special training and lets them get recognized. Volunteer work also helps because it makes the person feel good about themselves. If we all get part time jobs, we will all gain valuble experience for all the training we get.
